Woman-drinking-coco-waterWater from young coconuts is not only sweet, refreshing and delicious, but is also a very good source of electrolytes and minerals that can replenish and balance your blood and re-energize your body.

Water from young coconuts is the closest natural substance to human blood plasma which makes it extremely purifying to your blood.

The nut inside the hull of a young coconut is soft enough to open with a machete or a Brazilian coconut opener.  Coconut Kuleana sells the wonderful young coconut openers so you can drink straight from the source!

Coconuts can be quite large containing up to a litter of water and a opined of coconut meat.  A rack of coconuts can weight up to 300 pounds.  That is why we recommend using a professional palm service to lower your ripe and ready coconuts.

After the water is extracted from a small hole in the coconut, it can be split in half to scoop out what is called “spoon meat” meaning the meat of a young coconut that is soft enough to eat with a spoon.


raw-macaroonsCoconut water and meat is used in many exotic dishes such as soups, curries, chutneys, ice-creams, custards, pies, and even coconut milkshakes.  Coconut milk is made by pulverizing soft coconut meat and “milking” the juice out of it.  Coconut milk can be used as a substitute for cow milk.  Even yogurts, and frozen desserts can be made from this nutritious milk of the coconut.

Kids love coconut water.  Get them hooked early on so they are enjoying high nutrition and teeth-loving drinks rather than sugary sodas.